Annals of Guelma University for Social and Humain Sciences

Annals of Guelma University for Social and Humain Sciences

It is a semi-annual, well-indexed periodicl issued by the directorate of publishing at Guelma university in two forms : paper and digital.

In order to respond to the aspirations of researchers : recipients and producers of research. Specialization and thematicapproach are an imperative for any university scientific activity. Its research goes beyong geographical boundaries to respond to every ccademic scientific activity, which provides an addition and contributes to the promotion of human beings andthe preservation of their human privacy.

It is therefore necessary to communicate with the anthystes of the university of Guelma by registring with the paltform (ASJP) in accordance with the procedures under which it is being operated(the platform).


Journal description

Annals of Guelma University for Social and Human Sciences Journal is an international, double-blind peer-reviewed, Bi-annual and free of charge, open-access journal published by University Publishing Directorate of the 8 May 1945 University of Guelma - Algeria. The journal focuses on the following topics: Social and Human Sciences. It provides an academic platform for professionals and researchers to contribute innovative work in the field. The journal carries original and full-length articles that reflect the latest research and developments in aspects of Social and human Sciences. The journal is published in both print and online versions. The online version is free access and downloads in three languages (Arabic, French and English) . All papers around the world are very welcome in our International Journal

ISSN: 1112-7880

Dépôt légal : 2129-2007

Directeur de la revue : Pr. Salah ELLAGOUNE

Direccteur de la publication : Pr. Lassaad GHRIEB

Rédacteur en chef : Dr. Abderrahmen DJOUDI

E-mail :

Author's guide
Charter of ethics
Editorial Committee
Consultative Committee
Scientific Committee