لا ويجد ملخص باللغة العربية
This study aims to demonstrate the effectiveness of business incubators as a means of supporting emerging enterprises in Algeria. The government has recently placed great emphasis on supporting these enterprises towards economic diversification. We have utilized descriptive and analytical statistical approaches to shed light on the conceptual framework of business incubators and emerging enterprises, and to evaluate the role of business incubators in supporting emerging enterprises. We have also examined a sample of successful business incubators and emerging enterprises in Algeria to draw insights that can benefit entrepreneurs and innovators.
Keywords: startups; business incubators; project owners; Algeria; successful experiences.
المقر الجديد لمديرية النشر :
رئاسة الجامعة سابقا
الطابق الأول
مديـريــة الـنشــر الجامـعي