لا يوجد ملخص باللغة العربية
This research seeks to highlight the importance of integrating literary texts in the textbook of primary school education. After the publication of My book of English for fourth year primary school education, its content has been open to a myriad of visions and revisions. This study aims to analyze fourth year textbook in primary school education from a literary perspective. It attempts to show how to implement various literary texts relevant to children’s age, level and area of interest through the use of textbook adaptation strategies.
The analysis unravels that literary texts are not used in the textbook, and this research suggests different literary texts in terms of stories and fairy tales to be implemented in primary school education in order to enhance pupils’ language proficiency.
Keywords: fourth year textbook; literature; textbook adaptation strategies; syllabus.
المقر الجديد لمديرية النشر :
رئاسة الجامعة سابقا
الطابق الأول
مديـريــة الـنشــر الجامـعي